Your doctor’s probably high on your list of people you hope “have your back”. Especially when they’re performing a procedure on your back or spine! The spine is a delicate area, and if a doctor isn’t careful, bacteria can get in and cause a dangerous spinal epidural abscess.
In this article, we’ll discuss:
- The definition of spinal epidural abscess
- Different types of abscesses on the spine
- Causes, risk factors, and symptoms of an epidural abscess
- What to do when a doctor causes or mishandles an abscess

What is a Spinal Epidural Abscess?
First, let’s break down some of the key terms related to this condition:
- Spinal cord: Runs down your back and sends messages between your brain and body.
- Dura mater: The outer covering of the spinal cord that protects it.
- Vertebrae: The bones of your spine.
- Epidural space: The space between the dura mater and the bones of your spine.
A spinal epidural abscess starts with an infection in the epidural space. When the body tries to fight off the infection, pus forms. Pus is a thick, yellowish fluid made up of dead white blood cells, bacteria, and tissue debris.
The pus gathers in the epidural space. As it builds up, it puts pressure on the spinal cord and surrounding nerves. This can cause pain, swelling, and even damage the nerves if not treated quickly.
Sometimes this condition is referred to as simply an “epidural abscess”. An epidural abscess can occur along any part of the spine or in the cranial cavity. When it’s specifically in the spine, it’s often called a spinal epidural abscess.
There are also a few related conditions, such as:
- Abscess on spine: A general term that could refer to any abscess located on or near the spine. This could include abscesses in the skin, muscles, epidural space, or even within the spinal cord.
- Spinal cord abscess: An abscess within the spinal cord itself.
Spinal Cord Abscess
If an epidural abscess affects the spinal cord, it’s called a spinal cord abscess. This is a more severe and less common condition compared to an epidural abscess.
A spinal cord abscess can hamper signals that travel from the top of the spine to the limbs. When that happens, a patient might lose control over their bladder and bowels. They may have trouble walking, or not be able to walk at all. In the worst cases, patients became paralyzed below the point of infection.

What Causes Spinal Epidural Abscess?
The most common cause of any spinal cord infection is bacteria. The bacteria that cause strep throat and staph infections are the most likely to lead to a spinal epidural abscess. Here’s how epidural infections might begin:
- Bacteria gets near your spine or close your spinal cord
- Infections in the blood spread to the spine
- Boils, or large, infected bumps, can lead to infection and abscess if they are near your spine.
A spinal epidural abscess can also occur due to medical mistakes. Here’s how:
- During Surgery: If a doctor doesn’t keep things clean during open back surgery, bacteria can get into your spine.
- Lumbar Puncture: This is a procedure where a doctor inserts a needle into your lower back. If they don’t do it properly, it can expose your spine to bacteria.
Even the “normal” causes listed above, like infections, can be caused by medical malpractice if they happen because of a healthcare provider’s error. For example, if a doctor doesn’t treat a blood infection properly, it might spread to your spine.
Risk Factors
People with conditions that make it hard for their bodies to fight off infections are more likely to develop an abscess on the spine. These conditions include, but aren’t limited to:
- Crohn’s disease
- Immunodeficiency disorders
- Osteomyelitis, which is an infection of the spinal bones
- Using anticoagulants for a long time
Other risk factors include:
- Undergoing back surgery
- A boil located on the back or scalp
- Trauma or injuries to the spine
Symptoms of an Epidural Abscess
The first symptom someone with a spinal epidural abscess (or any abscess on the spine) might feel is pain at the abscess site.
Other symptoms can vary, depending on where the abscess is located and how severe it is. Symptoms can include:
- Fever and chills (these are tell-tale signs of an infection)
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Trouble urinating
- Loss of bowel control
- Radiating pain in the lower back
- Limb weakness
- Difficulty walking
- Losing all sensation below the abscess

Legal Liability for Negligence-Caused Epidural Abscess
A spinal epidural abscess can cause severe complications. These include paralysis and even death. If a doctor’s carelessness led to an infection or abscess on the spine, and you (or a loved one) were severely injured as a result, you may have the right to sue.
Let’s say the doctor didn’t cause the epidural abscess but failed to diagnose and treat it. That’s another possible reason for a lawsuit. Through a medical malpractice lawsuit, you can seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. To find out what legal steps you can take, contact our expert lawyers for a free consultation.