Experienced Birth Injury Lawyers in Houston, TX
A uterine rupture occurs when part of the uterus wall tears or rips. This is an extremely dangerous condition for both the mother and the baby, requiring prompt medical attention. Medical providers also have a duty to identify women at high risk for uterine rupture and take all possible steps to avoid it.
At Hampton & King, our skilled medical malpractice lawyers represent clients throughout Texas in a wide array of cases related to labor and delivery errors. With our experience and insight, we are prepared to handle complex cases for injury victims. Let us put our proven skills and resources to work for you!
Signs & Symptoms
Uterine rupture can lead to severe postpartum hemorrhage and obstetrical complications for the mother or even maternal death.
Symptoms may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Abnormal changes to the baby’s heart rate
- Abdominal pain, bleeding or a fast heart rate in the mother
- Slow or stalled labor
Causes of a Ruptured Uterus
A ruptured uterus can be a devastating medical condition. Most instances of uterine rupture occur when the scar from a previous C-section gives way. The skin is not as tightly knit at the site of a scar, and the stress of labor can cause it to tear.
In addition to vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), risk factors can include:
- Carrying twins
- Previous surgeries such as to remove fibroids
- Previous cases of uterine rupture
- Having had more than five children already
- Overuse of contraction-inducing drugs such as Pitocin
- Prolonged labor with cephalopelvic disproportion
- Trauma related to forceps use or the removal of the placenta
For a free initial attorney consultation about your particular situation and whether you may have a medical malpractice case, call the Houston office of Hampton & King at (713) 658-0231.