The Umbilical Cord Is the Baby’s Lifeline
The umbilical cord connects to the placenta and allows nutrients and oxygen to reach the fetus. If the mother’s membranes rupture and the cord comes out of the birth canal before the baby’s head, it is called “umbilical cord prolapse.” This can be a serious condition. As the baby moves into the birth canal, his or her head or body puts pressure on the umbilical cord and can cut off the blood supply. In turn, the baby is deprived of oxygen.
If not treated promptly and effectively, umbilical cord prolapse can result in a stillbirth or brain damage.
At Hampton & King, we represent families who have been affected by medical negligence related to prolapsed umbilical cords and other issues. We have 60+ years of combined experience handling complex birth injury cases and other matters. You can count on us to seek full and fair compensation for you.
Nuchal Cord Injuries
A similar medical condition is called nuchal cord injury.
This occurs when the umbilical cord wraps around the baby’s neck during delivery. It can greatly reduce blood flow and oxygen delivery through the cord, which in turn can lead to medical complications or fetal death.
Let Our Houston Medical Malpractice Lawyers Fight for You
If you or your family have experienced medical complications related to umbilical cord prolapse or nuchal cord injuries, we encourage you to get in touch with our team as soon as possible. We have extensive experience in medical malpractice and birth injury cases and have both the legal skills and case resources to get you the results that you and your loved ones deserve for your damages.
For a free consultation about prolapsed umbilical cord injuries, nuchal cord injuries, or other birth trauma, call Hampton & King at (713) 658-0231.