Was your baby harmed during labor? Our Houston birth injury lawyers can help!
The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention estimates an average of 3,932,181 births occur in the United States every year. Of these children, an average of 29 out of every 1,000 babies suffers from some form of birth trauma. Birth trauma is a term used to describe mechanical damages babies sustain during labor and the birth process. The damage usually occurs to the tissues or organs in babies and is often the result of excessive trauma or pressure to any part of the newborn’s body. Birth trauma should not be confused with birth injuries. The former describes the cause of the injury, while the latter encompasses the resulting harm.
Doctors have a duty of care to uphold. That duty describes a due diligence that ensures all patients receive acceptable treatment. If doctors breach that duty of care and patients suffer harm as a result, that doctor can be held responsible. If your child sustained injuries because of birth trauma, our Houston birth injury attorneys can help.
Call (713) 658-0231 for a free initial consultation!
Types of Birth Trauma
Improper use of medical equipment or improperly handling a newborn can be traumatic to the newborn and cause serious, even lifelong injuries. Birth trauma can also be caused by a doctor’s failure to detect a complication and respond appropriately.
Common causes of birth trauma include:
- The mother has a pelvic shape or size that necessitates cesarean, but the doctor opts for vaginal delivery
- Large birth weight: more than 8 pounds and 13 ounces
- Prolonged or delayed labor
- Abnormal position of the fetus
- Pre-term birth: born before the 37th week of pregnancy
Large babies are at high risk for birth trauma. Doctors should be aware of the size of the baby so that they can take the necessary steps to reduce that risk. For example, doctors might recommend cesarean section instead of vaginal delivery in cases of large babies. Sometimes, doctors opt to use instruments like forceps and ventouse / vacuum extractors to delivery large babies. If used improperly, these can actually cause harm to the baby.
Common injuries related to birth trauma are:
- Cephalohematoma – This condition refers to the pooling of blood in the baby’s skull. If not monitored or treated, it can lead to conditions such as jaundice.
- Bruising and broken bones – Due to the excessive pressure on any one point of the baby’s body, bruising can occur or bones may be broken.
- Oxygen deprivation – Some birth traumas restrict the baby’s oxygen access. This can lead to serious dangers.
- Brachial plexus injury – This affects the nerves that connect through the spine and the baby’s arms and hands. It can limit mobility and cause paralysis.
Wonder if you have a case? Call (713) 658-0231 to find out!
At Hampton & King, our Houston birth trauma lawyers are dedicated to protecting the rights of mothers and babies everywhere. We take the time to get to know the stories of our clients, so that we can best represent them. Our attorneys have over 60 years of experience. We are familiar with the courts and judges, which gives us an advantage during trial proceedings. If your doctor or hospital was negligent and caused injuries to your child, contact our Houston birth trauma attorneys today for a free consultation.